The 12 and 13th of December 2022 were two very extreme weather days in Helsinki. The first day a true blizzard, with wind gusts over
Category: Weather
Do you love snow, storm, thunder and all the other aspects of the weather as much as I do? On this page you can find my blog posts about the weather. The blog posts will contain a lot of meteorology, but are more experience-focussed than theory-focussed. Nevertheless, there might be some overlap with the meteorological articles I post on this website, so some posts might be assigned to both that category as well as the weather category.

Exactly one year ago, this meteorologist experienced one of the dreams that probably all meteorologist have: being in the middle of a polar low in

On the 10th of January of 2022, I arrived back home in Finland after spending Christmas with my family. The arrival back home was very

After a (for my standards) cold fall and a very cold end of November, the winter stepped up its game in the beginning of December

In August 2020, I arrived in Helsinki for my master studies at the University of Helsinki. I remembered the end of summer and the first

During 2 weeks in January 2021 in Helsinki, I experienced the most beautiful winter days of my life. As a Dutch person, I do not

On the 13th of December 2020, I visited Nuuksio National Park with my girlfriend Anna and a friend. Nuuksio is located in the municipality of